POSTED ON Wednesday, May 22, 2013 AT 12:11 PM
One day, you'll see me smile and you're gonna break on the inside knowing that you're no longer the reason.. and when the day comes, you're gonna regret ; for all the times you stood there and did nothing , for all the wasted chances, for all the time you walked away thinking that things will get better with time, for taking me so lightly. When you start to think about the could've been and the should've been , you'll start wishing you could turn back time to make things right , and then the smile on my face reminds you that it's too late....

POSTED ON Monday, May 13, 2013 AT 1:58 PM
damn give me a fucking break. everyone. grab yourself a fucking seat and calm the fuck down please, thank you.

Your actions are convincing you think? Nope. You need a whole lot of practice. You're so amateur and it's fucking showing. Your act are sloppy, brush up bro. Aren't you tired exaggerating cause I'm tired just watching you do it. Slow down, maybe you should take a break and just be you for a while LOL

POSTED ON Monday, May 6, 2013 AT 11:53 PM
i don't know what am i , i don't know what my purposes are in life, i thought i know them, but i kind of got lost halfway through. I'm fickle minded, constantly changing my choices and then regretting them no matter how many times i've think through or considered. What am i seriously?

oh wait a fucking second, you are starting to judge me already?
Fuck you.

POSTED ON Friday, May 3, 2013 AT 10:44 PM
Feeling like a total shit right now. Man you don't have to tell me everything you see, now i feel so.... dumb? This is so fucking embarrassing, oh my god. Ok wait, no at least i did good. Sometimes in life, we don't get what we want and sometimes.. fuck you.

did my marketing paper it was do-able. Thank god, bless them cambridge LOL. One down, three more to go , bring it on October!